Donations to Scottish Mountain Rescue in memory of Ted

This page is a tribute to Ted, who died on October 30, 2020. Mountain climbing was very close to his heart. If anyone would like to make a donation to Scottish Mountain Rescue in his memory, we have set up this page. Thank you - Emma and Philip (Ted's children).


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NEVER ENDING SKIES (Ted so loved it here) By Debbi-Jayne Challenger No hills or mountains in this landscape here, But beauty abounds in this strange flat land. Where mists echo voices of fen men long gone, Before land was drained, when they all had webbed feet! (Ted so loved it here) Lines of poplars stand tall and proud, Against the vastness of never ending skies. Crimson and yellows of sunrise and sunsets, Dramatic clouds that constantly change. (Ted so loved it here) The screech of buzzards glide on thermals high, A moorhen moves silently across waters deep. The kingfisher dives down near the bridge to catch it’s prey, A bright flash of turquoise, blink and he’s gone! (Ted so loved it here) Sedge, rush and reed whisper in the breeze, And tussle for space along drains long and straight. A reed warbler bizarrely hatches a cuckoos egg, Her nest now too small for this strange big chick! (Ted so loved it here) Swans fly in once winter is here, Their journey of many thousands of miles, They feast upon what’s left of crops in the fields, They’ll stay ‘til spring when the cycle will begin all over again. (Ted so loved it here)
8th December 2020
"Children, be curious. Nothing is worse (I know it) than when curiosity stops. Nothing is more repressive than the repression of curiosity. Curiosity begets love. It weds us to the world. It's part of our perverse, madcap love for this impossible planet we inhabit. People die when curiosity goes. People have to find out, people have to know." Graham Swift, WATERLAND (1982, p.282)
29th November 2020
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Ted. We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by Scottish Mountain Rescue on 18/11/2020
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