Ted's funeral

Ted's funeral is taking place in Littleport on Wednesday 25 November. It will be a private ceremony owing to current COVID-19 restrictions. Due to circumstances, we request no flowers, but (as mentioned above) would encourage anyone to make a donation to Scottish Mountain Rescue in his memory on this page.


Dear Philip and Emma
Donation to Scottish Mountain Rescue
Scottish Mountain Rescue would like to thank you, your friends and family for raising money in memory of your father, Ted, via Much Loved.  Our thoughts are with you all at this very difficult time.  Your father clearly loved spending time in the hills and mountains and all donations received enables our volunteers to continue to provide a world-class mountain rescue service. 
As you will be aware, money donated to us allows us to support Mountain Rescue services throughout Scotland.  SMR provides a number of varied training courses throughout the year which are open to all team members and this brings together a large number of the volunteers to learn from experienced instructors and from each other.  Also, during the winter we run avalanche training courses.  Owing to the pandemic, we have had to come up with alternative ways to run our courses but we are still managing to ensure that our teams are kept current on essential skills.
If you would like to be kept up to date on Scottish Mountain Rescue and the teams that it represents, there is a link on our website to subscribe to our regular newsletter.
Our thanks once again, best wishes

Viv Warwich, Office Coordinator, Scottish Mountain Rescue

Donations to Scottish Mountain Rescue can be made by clicking the 'donate' button below.